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Rapla festival 2019 0307.jpg



Ott Indermitte (baritone)

Liis-Helena Väljamäe (violin)
Hille Poroson (organ)

Wed 03.07

8 PM


Rapla Church




graduated from Tallinn Music High School (2001), Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (2005 in Musicology; and 2012 in Vocal Music). As an exchange student he spent one academic year at Royal Scottish Conservatoire (2009-2010).

He has been studing singing by Tarmo Sild, Jaakko Ryhähen and Allan Vurma and taken master classes by Peter Kooji and Eva Märtson.

As a chorist he has been employed by Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, by Early Music Ensemble in Haapsalu Early Music Festivals and by Cappella Nova (Scotland).

From 2011 till present Indermitte has been a chorist and a soloist in Estonian National Male Choir, from 2013 he has been working there also as a singing teacher. From 2015 he has been teaching singing at Male Choir by Estonian Academy of Sciences.

As a soloist Indermitte is more devoted to sacred music. He often gives solo concerts or participates at services in different churches around Estonia.

In 2013 he won the first prize at Mart Saar’ singing competition in Suure-Jaani (in Estonia).

LIIS-HELENA VÄLJAMÄE graduated Tallinn Music Secondary School for special talented students (teach. Harald Aasa, Tiiu Peäske) in 2007. I graduated bachelor (2012) and master (2016) degree in Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (teach. Sigrid Kuulmann-Martin) 2010/2011 I studyed in University of Stavanger (teach. Jan Bjøranger) I have attended in several masterclasses: Jan Répko, Michael Gaisler, Alexandr Ficher, Ulrike Danhofer, ISA summer acadamy mastercourses in Austria with Hagai Shaham, Pavel Berman, Irina Botškova, Florian Donderer, Réka Szilvay. Also have participated in several courses, festivals and orchestras in Estonia and abroad : Tallinn Sinfonietta, Orchestra Norden, Baltic Youth Philharmonic, Nargen Opera- Nargen Festival Chamber Orchestra, Mustufe Chamber Music Festival in Lithuania, Pärnu Festival Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, C/O Chamber Orchestra, Estonia Sinfonietta. In 2010/2011 I worked as a subtitute player in Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. 2011-2014 I worked at Estonian National Opera’s orchestra. At the moment I work in Estonian National Symphony Orchestra.

HILLE POROSON has graduated 1993 from the Estonian Music Academy, studied piano under Prof. A. Juozapenaite-Eesmaa.1995 graduated Estonian Church Music School under Rolf Uusväli.

She has participated in several international courses in Finland, Germany, France, Spain.

She studied (1999-2001) further in Germany, Lübeck Academy of Music and later a year in Latvian Academy of Music.

Hille Poroson has performed with a number of chamberensembles, choirs ( Estonian National Mail Choir) and soloists and worked as organist in several churches.

At present, she is the organist in Rapla Maarja-Magdaleena Church and St Jacobs Church in Viimsi.




Aadress / Address: Kalda 2, Rapla, 79513
tel: +372 5114 077

Toeta / Support

MTÜ Rapla Kirikumuusika Festival
IBAN: Swedbank EE802200221051601059

Festival on pärjatud kvaliteetmärgisega EFFE 2015-2018/ The festival was honored with the EFFE Label 2015-2018





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