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VIII International Rapla Singers’ Summer School
4th – 9th of July 2017

Lecturers are outstanding opera singers and teachers:

Wilma Vernocchi from Italy, Monika Hauswalter from Germany and Pille Lill from Estonia.
Tiina Kärblane and Kirill Lissijenko - accompanists. 

Expected to participate are singing (university) students and singers who have obtained an academic higher education without an age limit, but also other singing enthusiasts since the age of 15.  


Summer School will take place between 4th to 9th of July in Rapla, on 7th of July at 7 PM the participants will perform in the context of “The Music of 7 Cities” organized by Estonian Concert in Kohtla-Järve Culture Center and the final concert of the summer school will take place on 9th of July in Rapla Culture Center at 7 PM.


Contact information: Pille Lill +372 51 14077 and with keywords "Singers’ Summer School 2017"



The Rapla International Summer School takes place during the Rapla XXVI Church Music Festival July 26 to August 8 2018 and is devoted to celebrating the Estonian Republic 100 Jubelee. The Summer School cooperating partner, since the creation of the school, has been, the PLMF Music Trust with its international experience.

The Summer School brings together young music students from the local schools with students from Tallinn Secondary Music Shool, the Heino Eller Music School, G. Ots Music School, the Estonian Music and Theatre Academy.  Also participants with a Higher Musical Education join them in Rapla. This enables all the students to develop their muscial skills under the guidance of a range of specialist professionals.  


Summer Schools master classes are offered to singers, string and brass instrument players, as well as conductors. In 2018 the focus will be on two groups: The String instruments and vocalists where outstanding young opera singers will be mentored by Wilma Vernocchi from Italy, Monika Hauswalter from Germany, and Pille Lill and Oliver Kuusik from Estonia.      

Individual tutoring and classes are offered  in Chamber music, in orchestra playing, techincal skills development and advanced acting among others subjects. The teaching staff consists of world reknown pedagogues, specialists and master level mentors. Students are given an opportunity to work individually and in groups with top musicians  Participants are welcome from music schools, from among  music students and can include muscicians with a Higher lever of education, without any age limit. 


The Rapla Summer School share their experiences and thoughts about their music career aspirations. They have an opportunity to meet with top musical specialists and teachers from a number of countries in the world to expand their horizons, The Summer School time period is short and the courses are intensive (one week), this requires dedication on the part of students. This will help in their future achievements. The Summer School produces new stage and musical stars and promotes the development of classical music and developement of music culture.


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